Join us for a Tent Sale at Famous Supply Melwood only on June 27th and 28th for a cookout and discounted nonstock and scratch and dent products.
Event Details
- Date: {{::(vm.eventDetails.start | date: 'MMMM dd')}}
- Time: {{::(vm.eventDetails.start | date: 'hh:mm a')}}{{(vm.eventDetails.end | date: ' - hh:mm a')}}
- Category: {{::vm.eventDetails.category}}
- Website: {{::vm.eventDetails.registrationUrl}}
Course Details
- State Certification No.: {{::vm.eventDetails.stateCertificationNo}}
Join us for a Tent Sale at Famous Supply Melwood only on June 27th and 28th for a cookout and discounted nonstock and scratch and dent products.