For The Pro™ Troubleshooting & Maintenance Videos
December 15, 2020 Bradford White
Using For The Pro™ Virtual Training
We are closing out our year of Bradford White Tech Tips with our November and December editions highlighting Bradford’s “For The Pro” website. If you missed November’s edition on rebates, let us know!
Since Bradford White is the only water heater brand exclusively selling through wholesale distribution, this website is exclusive to contractors and distributors.
If we’ve learned anything from 2020, it's that training has become more important than ever. Demand for mechanical products is at an all-time high and proper installation will minimize call-backs and help maximize your profits on every job.
Access to manufacturer training has taken on a variety of new shapes and sizes this year from our own Famous University classes moving online to dozens of live, virtual training sessions.
Bradford White not only launched their own live-fire virtual training session from ITEC this year but also continued to add dozens of quality troubleshooting and maintenance videos to their contractor-exclusive For The Pro™ website.
You can log in to For The Pro™ and have Bradford White’s expert technical support team walk through many common troubleshooting and maintenance service calls via these videos. This access eliminates the need to call the factory when you run into a jam and helps get you on and off the job quicker.

Sign Up Today!
If you don't already have an account, you can sign up for Bradford White's For The Pro™ below