13. Have Each Others’ Backs.
No one’s perfect. Look for the best in each other and provide rigorous support, including honest and direct feedback. Be willing to step into another role or help another associate when that’s what’s required for success.
Marc's Message:
You have probably heard the battle term "If I had to be in a fox hole with someone, that is the type of person I would want to be with." That sentence quickly and succinctly gets to the core of what having each other’s backs really means. Simply, it’s someone you can count on through thick and thin, during good times and tough times.
One could argue that the main attribute you would look for in this type of person is someone you could trust 100% and unequivocally. That individual may not be perfect. After all, nobody is, but they are caring, reliable, supportive and honest. Communication may or may not be their strong point. Even if it’s not, you just know though that this person is absolutely willing to help and be there for you, and in our case, the company as well, regardless of what they say or might not say. Their actions always speak louder than words. They are loyal and put you, others, customers, and the company and their families before themselves. They are truly servant leaders.
We could all probably think of many associates who fit this description. One that comes to my mind is Tim Laird, our warehouse lead in Bedford. Before we ever created our 40 Fundamentals, Tim was always vocal to his team that we must “have each other’s backs”, and more importantly, he lived it, and continues to do so. If the branch is shorthanded or the workload is particularly heavy on a given day, Tim never hesitates to do what needs to get done to make sure internal and external customers are served.
Imagine for a moment the service we could provide to one another and our valued customers if we all had each other’s backs each and every day. That would be a powerful combination that would help us win our daily battles. Thanks for your support!