19. Create A Great Impression.
Every communication, whether it’s face to face, a phone call, e-mail, letter, or even a voicemail, makes an impression. Pay attention to every interaction to make sure that you’re displaying a tone of friendliness, warmth, helpfulness, and authenticity. Be a pro in everything you do, including how you present yourself.
Olivia's Message:
Great impressions matter a lot– sometimes you’ve only got one shot! Some studies say that you only have 30 seconds to impress someone and other studies say that it only takes seven seconds before a judgement has been made by the other party. It’s not impossible to reverse someone’s opinion of you but it takes a lot of work and time to reverse first impressions.
As I recruit our amazing talent, I try to remember that every step in the interview process can influence the candidate’s impression of our company. Lack of response can also kill a relationship; it shows the other party that you don’t value their time as much as you do your own, or that you simply aren’t interested in them. It is incumbent upon us to show respect to one another.
Each of you formed an impression of Famous from the first interview, to the first day on the job. I would go one step further and say every day is an opportunity to leave a great impression on our fellow teammates, customers and suppliers.
When I first started at Famous I felt very welcomed by many. Michelle Gresh created one of the greatest impressions when I visited the Ashtabula branch for the first time. She was warm and friendly, and introduced me to everyone in the branch. She explained the history of the building and the town itself. She took pride in the branch and her fellow coworkers and went to great lengths to make me feel welcome. I know many here at Famous, both past and present, have made great sacrifices to build meaningful relationships.
It’s the little things that create great impressions, such as a friendly greeting to a customer, welcoming a new associate to the team, or inviting a fellow co-worker to eat lunch with you. These actions build comradery and can create strong bonds. We all have a part in creating a positive work environment not only for external customers, but for each other as well.
“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” – Will Rodgers