38. Treasure, Protect, And Promote Our Reputation.
We’re all responsible for, and benefit from, the Famous brand and reputation. Be a brand ambassador and always put your best foot forward. Consider how your actions affect our collective reputation, and act in a way that brings honor to us all.
Lisa's Message:
“A reputation once broken may possibly be repaired, but the world will always keep their eyes on the spot where the crack was.” ~Joseph Hall
This quote is so true! Do you have a favorite restaurant that consistently has great service and friendly servers? Do you return again and again and feel like family when you’re there? On the flip side, have you ever gone to a restaurant and the service was bad, or the food was disappointing? Did you ever go back? Perhaps you shared your experience with others and cautioned them from going there. Successful businesses can only stay successful through a good name and returning customers.
One time when I was younger we visited relatives in another state. They had a house alarm and had it turned off for us because they weren’t home at the time. We entered the house and made ourselves comfortable. The alarm panel was in the kitchen and for some reason I was fascinated by it. After looking at it for a while I ended up pressing a tiny button which happened to be the panic button. 5 minutes later a car pulled in the drive and two armed security guards rushed into the house. I learned the hard way to guard my reputation since my family and relatives haven’t forgotten my curiosity and have mentioned it more than a few times over the last 40 years since that episode.
There’s no better advertising for a business than a good reputation. We need to be vigilant and provide excellent service. We need to be quick to deliver a satisfactory resolution to a negative experience and prevent it from affecting our reputation. Make a good habit of being friendly and courteous. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I think Tom Krejci has done a wonderful job to Treasure, Protect, and Promote Famous’ Reputation in his long career at Famous. For those who have worked for and with Tom, you’ve learned from one of the best!
Let’s work to serve our internal and external customers and keep them returning again and again with exceptional results!